Monday, 18 August 2014

Not My Mother's Banana Bread

I learnt a very important lesson today.

When your mother makes it best, don't deviate from her recipe.

Maybe that seems obvious.  But me being me I thought maybe I could improve on my Mum's banana bread (not that there was anything wrong with it in the first place!!).  And surely the banana bread from my very professional-looking Science of Cooking book should be perfect, no??

Well, evidently I was disappointed with the result.

I gave it extra oven time and it still didn't cook properly; undercooked at the base and burnt around the edges.  I would have thrown this loaf out if I wasn't so strictly against wasting food.

I must say I am going through a rather rough baking patch lately!  Terrible news for my tastebuds, but at least I can still try to make it look pretty.

Maybe it's stress. I've always found that stress + baking = DISASTER.  Especially if I try to take my stress out ON baking.  Like, don't come near my kitchen if I'm stressed.  Seriously.  Flour everywhere.  And probably smoke.  Not to mention profanity.

But what am I stressed about??!  Its summer.  Geesh.

Clearly I do not feel it is necessary to include this recipe.  I hope you are OK with that.

I promise next week's baking will turn out better.  There.  Now it has to.  That's how it works right?

On the bright side, my stash of bananas is no longer taking up the majority of the freezer!  My housemates will be happy to hear there is actually room for their food now too.

Ohhhhhh where does time go!? (A voice in my head says: nowhere, you idiot, time is not a living thing - it can't go places.  Also, where did this thought come from?  It is completely random. -10 points for essay flow.)

In parting, I will leave you with a feel good song.  I don't know about you, but I could use a good pick-me-up.  If anything is going to cheer you up, this will for sure.  Just look at the getup on these dudes!  People in the seventies were definitely not afraid of a little sparkle.  Must have been a fun decade.

Is it reasonable to ask for a time-travelling machine for my birthday?



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