Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Separation Anxiety

Seems like as the need to use up baking ingredients increases and we approach our respective times of departure, Hannah and I have been all the more eager to spend time in the kitchen.  Yesterday I whipped up these beauties (erm well... they may not look pretty, but they certainly taste heavenly) while putting off the task of packing and cleaning.

Unfortunately we've been having issues with our oven lately so I had to wait two hours for it to reach 375˚F!

Here they're shown waiting patiently to go in the oven...I think less batter made it onto the cookie sheet than usual...ooops.  In the end these double chocolate chip cookies must have tasted pretty good though, because there aren't many left! Worth the wait? I think so. ~

There's scone in my laptop!!

So after a bout of unsuccessful profile picture taking, we managed to come up with a nice one (see below).  Hannah (right) and I (Nicola, left) are housemates in our second year of university.  The result of our year together this year has been a lot of baking...So much baking that we are sure to have withdrawals when we finally part ways for the summer holidays!  If you've ever had a friend who bakes amazing food you'll understand the recipe envy we're feeling.  So as a way of staying in touch this summer we've decided to send  each other recipes on a blog. Let the Epistolary Baking begin!